Carp Fishing Saltwater fishing

When to bait carp ?

Baiting is a method of catching several fish as quickly as possible. But if the carp baiting but if the baiting can be so effective, the technique is not so easy to set up. To bait carp effectively, you will have to adapt the baiting according to the situation you are facing. The choice of the bait and the material used must be optimized, but the best moment to carry out the baiting must also be determined.

Baiting strategy adapted to the baits used

Different techniques can be used for carp baiting, but first of all, it should be stressed that it depends on several parameters. The first factor to take into account is the type of bait you are going to use. The baiting is mainly a strategy to attract carps on your spot by using a maximum of baits. It is thus advisable to bait a very precise zone in order to have more effectiveness.

There can be three types of baiting and they are determined at specific periods.

  • Long term carp baiting (over several days or weeks). This strategy consists in getting the fish accustomed to the bait before starting a session.
  • The initial baiting : this is what must be done at the beginning of the session.
  • Recall baiting: this is done when you have made a successful catch or when you have changed lines.

It is thus according to these stages that the type of adapted baits should be chosen.

Carp baiting tools

To succeed in carp baiting, you need special tools that will make the task easier. There is in this case the sling which allows you to propel the bait thanks to an elastic band which is fixed on the handle. You can put different types of baits such as seed, pellets or bait balls. Later on, you can also use PVAs. Here, it should be noted that there can be several models of PVC; either, it is in bag, stick or double thread. They are mostly used to locate a small portion of bait near your bait.

Afterwards, you can also use the baiting shovel, the dart launcher, the bait ratchet or the bucket. It is thus according to each situation that these tools must be used.

The right time to bait carp

As you have understood, there are several baiting techniques for carp. This implies that they can be done at different times. First of all, it is important to understand that before and during carp fishing, the baiting can always be done. This allows you to have a maximum chance of attracting the fish without coming back empty-handed. Before fishing, they must be attracted to the area you have determined. And right at the beginning of the fishing, baiting allows you to put in the least amount of effort to get them close to you. And during the fishing, it is also necessary to do it regularly.

As for the season, you will have to refer to the behavior of the carp during each period of the year to understand their activities. What is certain is that it is always wise to wait until the end of the reproduction period.